Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How to help

Everyone can help to protect our home, the earth. It is not difficult and we can give back everything that nature has given to us.  There are many ways to contribute by planting a tree in our houses, to recycling, which looks pretty complicate; however, is pretty easy when you start to understand. We can always recycle cans, cardboard, paper and plastic. This last one is a little more complicate because there are some kind of plastics that are not recyclable. In order to know this check the triangle with a number on the bottle however I am pretty sure that almost all of you know already this so I will skip this step.But you need to know what kind of plastics your company accept and reject. If you have a question about this please send me a message to my account.                                  www.ikea.com

One of the biggest problems in landfills are the plastic bottles,  I cannot understand why do we need to buy this bottles, it is that difficult to buy a mug and filled it with water or whatever you want to filled it with? Believe if everyone use a mug, we could save thousand of animals. You can think it like this when you buy one of those bottles one animal die if you use mug you can save them. It is up to us to change this world, if we do not do it no one will do it for us. We are the change. Lets stop the companies that just are trying to controls us in order to consume more products we are the owners of our lives. Even though you do not believe it many companies have contracts with the government.

A third way that we can help is by spreading the word, many people does not know that we are destroying the world, "Is a myth, that is what crazy people think" is what they say. And if you are reading this and do not believe me please see this videos http://www.alluc.to/movies/watch-carbon-nation-2010-online/307533.html  This documentary can give you a little more details about the global warming and how to help.

Until when we are going to understand that money is no life, water is life, food is life, air is life. We work all our life and for what for get money, spend that money in things that we really do not need and we even harm those who are important for us just to get money, where is our loyalty? Where is our humanity? Where is our love? It is money everything, if is like that what makes us different that animals. If we are controlled by money, something that does not even have life, where is our freedom because I cannot see it if I give you a million dollars and a candy which one do you prefer, I am not saying to choose the candy but how many would you choose the million? Is not that live without freedom?  Just close the eyes and feel that green paper in your hand and tell me what do you feel. We can help ourselves by helping nature, everything is interconnected.

Lets show the power, lets show that neither companies nor government can stop us. Because we are the future.

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